Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5. Obadiah

'' Nah, you are not of my business, not in my area of concern. You should be fine. Bye, take care =)''
This is the most often used conversation to erase guilty conscience when someone or a friend came to me for help or a favour. At times, even only once, I tend to ignore these people as it would inconvenience me.

I am aware that often I am ignorant and, probably an egoist. I will not just simply put any acquaintances into my area of concern. I am insensitive and forgetful. Indeed, my inter-personal relationship is bad, my social scope is narrow, I am unfriendly. So many a times, I will say, '' It's none of my business,'' and leave or ignore totally, especially to people I particular do not like. Yes, I know, I should love everyone as I love myself, but hey, I am not an angel of love, not as loving as you think, I am human.

So, it never occur to me as much significant as now that I have read the book of Obadiah. It is the shortest book in the Old Testament. This book tells and reminds me that justice will be done., mainly referring to the feud between the twins, Jacob and Esau. ''As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.'' (15) Obadiah mainly gives the final word on a blood feud. A family betrayal is uniquely offensive to God and people.

'' who say to yourself, ''Who can bring me down to the ground?'' Though you soar like an eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down.'' declares the Sovereign Lord. (3-4)
Very well, I admit, at times I do think high about myself, being smarter, or more advance and thus tend to ignore those who are less capable.

'' Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel, you will be filled with shame and destroyed forever.'' (10)
I remember, most from the past, that often I cursed and hit my two younger brothers, even blamed my mom for nagging me.

''Dear children, let us not love each other with words or tongue, let us show the truth by our actions....For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.'' ( 1 John 3:18,20) " Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.'' (Galatians 6:10)

From Obadiah, we are constantly reminded that everyone is under God's ongoing protection from their enemies. And of course, God's standard extends beyond His chosen people. Every nation, every soul will be judged by their own standard, and likewise under the protection of God too. Do not underestimate your own standard, for we do not know what God has for us or He sets us apart from others. Do not curse those that treated us badly. It is too difficult?I know, trust me. Some people just make us so sick. BUT, the start of the cursing suppression and restrictions will make significant differences. Day by day, bit by bit, we will mould to be just as pure and innocent as a dove if not like Jesus.

Readings from this, made me think, a lot. Often I were tempted to turn a blind eye to some needs of others. I chose rather not to know than to help. It is bad. And now, it felt even worse when I am assured that God is offended by this bad habit. So I must say, I am stepping out in love today! Easier said now, but I accepted the challenge so I must change.

Monday, September 27, 2010

4. Hebrews 11:39

''These were all commented for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.''

Words ain't enough! You can believe all the right things, yet still be dead wrong. To survive, beautifully till the end, we do not only based on reality. Sometimes, we need to count on faith and what we perceived to be deceptions too. Ironic but true. Most often, not even giants of faith get exactly what they want.

Faith. A big word in my life. Often illustrated as the lubricant for an engine that's about to break down. That picture of faith emerges from my experience are phrases like persevere, endure, don't lose heart, keep up with the challenging, keep running on track, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..........but how long do I need to swim? There is no end in the ocean and up on the earth! The world is round, the world is small. Yes, but when it comes to having faith, the world is enormous and border-less. '' Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'' (Heb 11:1)

Some people think of faith as an almost magical force. A magic word that you cling to and muster up. They say, if you muster up enough of it, you'll be awesome, wealthy, powerful, stay healthy and live a contented life. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Yet, how do we muster up faith? Faith or true faith? What are the signs for it? I suppose each individual has his own definition of faith.

I define my faith as a constant commitment to hang on and believe God against all odds, no matter what. Difficult race, a tough one. The process of living by faith in Jesus Christ builds strong character and resiliency. This life race has nothing to lose. But if I finish it, I'll be rewarded with what I perceived to believe in. A place to belong afterlife, and of course heaven not hell. '' Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love Him.'' (James 1:12) Living in the world but not of the world is hardly simple. However, the constant test of faith and temptations develops perseverance. And perseverance must finish its work so that I am mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:4).

''But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that__ and shudder.'' (James 2:18-19)

Living in Christ for 4 years now, I must say, I've learnt a lot through both the Bible and aging. LOL. Yes, I do not deny that aging plays an important role in teaching each sane soul to comprehend much further from the abstract view. So far, I am not severely executed or casted out by the society for what I chose to believe in, yet. However, people around me often make me think about how firm is my stand in the Lord. I must say, it does feel alone at times with the fact that often people that I get acquainted with have different beliefs as we Christians have.

Picture credit to JonWoon

Moreover, faith cannot stand alone. ''As a body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead'' (James 2:26). It is worthless and useless to just have faith and a religion. Christianity with much faith and deeds is a teaching and guidance upon my life. It is hardly simple to run this race, but hey, live life dangerously, no? =)

Word of the day : Faith, deeds

Saturday, September 25, 2010

3. Proverbs 16

Proverbs 16 caught my attention for a few days now. My favourite few are :

  1. 16-2 : All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.
  2. 16-3 : Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
  3. 16-8 : Better with a little righteousness than much gain with injustice.
  4. 16-9 : In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
These few verses are what caught my attention most in the mean time. To walk in the right way as God sees it is hardly simple if we do it by ourselves. Plans, motives, goals, actions, results, gains, incomes, outcomes, etc. are all independent variables.

Motive, is the one word that stands out in my view. Human are so manipulative, some humble and wise, and others devious till the very end. With motive, we say we can do things in higher rates and we say, ''I know what I am doing, it is just it, I feel it.''. Without motive, we say, '' I don't know man, I can't, I don't feel like living anymore, nothing beats my heart, I feel like shit!''.
Motive, indeed a big word. It initiates your first moves and it encourages you to take all the other steps to reach your goal.

These words and verses made me ponder and I remembered this picture.

The prize-winning image: A vulture watches a starving child in southern Sudan, March 1, 1993. ( Kevin Carter/CORBIS/Sygma).

The photographer, Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer winner for credits of the photo above. And then, commited suicide due to depression suffered from critics and realisation that he should actually help that girl.

''Photographers and journalists put themselves through so much in order to capture that one moment, that one story or that one photograph. Is it really fair to bring it all down to good versus bad and right versus wrong? Isn't such a Manichaean view of the world problematic?''

The motive to show the world the plight of the Africans - right?
The motive to be proud of this picture - right?
The motive in leaving the girl just like that after seeing her - right?
The motive to leave the world after realising he should have save or help the girl - right?

Ambiguity of the border line between right and not right. It is purposeful and constructive to share with the world what is actually happening out there. Sometimes, doing things we think is right will lead us to do just that one thing. Because we think it is right, so we care less about other things we need to do. So, yes, taking that photograph is right. But taking that photograph only and leave is not right. So i guessed, when Kevin Carter took this photograph, his ultimate motive was ''doing good by showing it through pictures only'', and later only that he realised his motive should be ''doing something good by showing and doing it''. But easier said than anything. Circumstances often push us to do something unexpected or illogic. We cannot judge, not even if we face the exact same situation. Different people, different motive, different perception, different ways.

A few will ask, ''How can I keep my motives right? ''Whatever we do, remember the Almighty and have fear. ''The highway of the upright avoids evil, he who guards his way, guards his life.''(16:17 ) Be Meek and WISE, then the motive will be RIGHT. ''Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for, through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.'' (16:6)

Word of the day: Motive; Meek; Wise

Friday, September 24, 2010

2. Esther Complete

I continued with Esther, and realised it has only 10 chapters. LOL. =)

  1. Mordecai - Apart from being caregiver of Queen Esther, he became the second Jew ranked after King Xerxes. He saved the king's life and was rewarded much later. He was given the authority to stop Haman's plot and saved the Jews in all provinces of King Xerxes.
  2. Haman - Son of Hammedatha, the Agagite. Honored a set higher than all other nobles of King Xerxes. Bible did not state why. He had a plot to destroy all Jewish people in the provinces of King Xerxes because he was dissatisfied with Mordecai. Mordecai simply did not pay any respect to him after his promotion.
  3. God is not mentioned in this book.

  4. Purim - is a festival that commemorates the deliverance of the Jews living throughout the ancient persian Empire from a plot by Haman the Agagite to annihilate them. This festival got its name from a purim stone, which was used to choose date and time. Haman, with the evil plot, chose a date to establish his plans by using that stone. Hence, Purim it is, a remembrance.
With happenings about the plan of Jews' destruction, their rising up and how they avenged on their enemies, the book of Esther is pretty much like a story book. With nothing much written about how God helped the Jews, this is has little historical validity too. However, the writer, unknown, did mentioned that all these happenings were recorded officially. Hence, convincing the readers that what's written are true.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1. Book of Esther Chapter 1-8

Indeed a blessed day. God is there with me, helping me to cope with what I intended to do. The Book of Esther, indeed an interesting book with many happenings.

  1. King Xerxes - ruled over 127 provinces; India-Cush; throne in citadel of Susa.
  2. Queen Vashti - Queen preceding Q. Esther. Disobeyed the king's command to appear in front of the people and nobles, because all of them were drunk, so was the king himself. Hence, punished to be restricted from entering the presence of King Xerxes and her title was stripped.
  3. Mordecai - Benjamite; Jew; caregiver of Esther/Hadassah, his cousin.
  4. Hadassah a.k.a. Esther - An orphan. Cousin to Mordecai. Queen to King Xerxes. Also a Jew. But kept her nationality in secret, as told by Mordecai, even after becoming the Queen.
How Esther became Queen? How did she helped her people despite her abilities and position? Why God rewarded Haman? Why is Mordecai rewarded much later after his contribution in saving the king's life? Interesting chapters and stories ahead!

Till then, I still need to understand what was written up to chapter 8. =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

40 days Chasing after Him

This blog is to share the my journey and to help keep me in track. Being a christian for 4 years, I have not read the whole bible yet. It is an embarrassed case.

And I did feel the urge to seek God. End times will be scary. How will I be fit to stand in His presence? Idk, but at least, if He comes, I will not be perish. Following His ways are hardly simple, so I challenge myself to persevere through His guidance and moldings.

So, I am starting off my first 40 days rally with God by reading His Words and messages in the bible. 40 is just a number. =)