'' Nah, you are not of my business, not in my area of concern. You should be fine. Bye, take care =)''
This is the most often used conversation to erase guilty conscience when someone or a friend came to me for help or a favour. At times, even only once, I tend to ignore these people as it would inconvenience me.
I am aware that often I am ignorant and, probably an egoist. I will not just simply put any acquaintances into my area of concern. I am insensitive and forgetful. Indeed, my inter-personal relationship is bad, my social scope is narrow, I am unfriendly. So many a times, I will say, '' It's none of my business,'' and leave or ignore totally, especially to people I particular do not like. Yes, I know, I should love everyone as I love myself, but hey, I am not an angel of love, not as loving as you think, I am human.
So, it never occur to me as much significant as now that I have read the book of Obadiah. It is the shortest book in the Old Testament. This book tells and reminds me that justice will be done., mainly referring to the feud between the twins, Jacob and Esau. ''As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.'' (15) Obadiah mainly gives the final word on a blood feud. A family betrayal is uniquely offensive to God and people.
From Obadiah, we are constantly reminded that everyone is under God's ongoing protection from their enemies. And of course, God's standard extends beyond His chosen people. Every nation, every soul will be judged by their own standard, and likewise under the protection of God too. Do not underestimate your own standard, for we do not know what God has for us or He sets us apart from others. Do not curse those that treated us badly. It is too difficult?I know, trust me. Some people just make us so sick. BUT, the start of the cursing suppression and restrictions will make significant differences. Day by day, bit by bit, we will mould to be just as pure and innocent as a dove if not like Jesus.
Readings from this, made me think, a lot. Often I were tempted to turn a blind eye to some needs of others. I chose rather not to know than to help. It is bad. And now, it felt even worse when I am assured that God is offended by this bad habit. So I must say, I am stepping out in love today! Easier said now, but I accepted the challenge so I must change.
So, it never occur to me as much significant as now that I have read the book of Obadiah. It is the shortest book in the Old Testament. This book tells and reminds me that justice will be done., mainly referring to the feud between the twins, Jacob and Esau. ''As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.'' (15) Obadiah mainly gives the final word on a blood feud. A family betrayal is uniquely offensive to God and people.
'' ....you who say to yourself, ''Who can bring me down to the ground?'' Though you soar like an eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down.'' declares the Sovereign Lord. (3-4)
Very well, I admit, at times I do think high about myself, being smarter, or more advance and thus tend to ignore those who are less capable.'' Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel, you will be filled with shame and destroyed forever.'' (10)
I remember, most from the past, that often I cursed and hit my two younger brothers, even blamed my mom for nagging me.''Dear children, let us not love each other with words or tongue, let us show the truth by our actions....For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.'' ( 1 John 3:18,20) " Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.'' (Galatians 6:10)
From Obadiah, we are constantly reminded that everyone is under God's ongoing protection from their enemies. And of course, God's standard extends beyond His chosen people. Every nation, every soul will be judged by their own standard, and likewise under the protection of God too. Do not underestimate your own standard, for we do not know what God has for us or He sets us apart from others. Do not curse those that treated us badly. It is too difficult?I know, trust me. Some people just make us so sick. BUT, the start of the cursing suppression and restrictions will make significant differences. Day by day, bit by bit, we will mould to be just as pure and innocent as a dove if not like Jesus.
Readings from this, made me think, a lot. Often I were tempted to turn a blind eye to some needs of others. I chose rather not to know than to help. It is bad. And now, it felt even worse when I am assured that God is offended by this bad habit. So I must say, I am stepping out in love today! Easier said now, but I accepted the challenge so I must change.