Proverbs 16 caught my attention for a few days now. My favourite few are :
- 16-2 : All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.
- 16-3 : Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
- 16-8 : Better with a little righteousness than much gain with injustice.
- 16-9 : In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
These few verses are what caught my attention most in the mean time. To walk in the right way as God sees it is hardly simple if we do it by ourselves. Plans, motives, goals, actions, results, gains, incomes, outcomes, etc. are all independent variables.
Motive, is the one word that stands out in my view. Human are so manipulative, some humble and wise, and others devious till the very end. With motive, we say we can do things in higher rates and we say, ''I know what I am doing, it is just it, I feel it.''. Without motive, we say, '' I don't know man, I can't, I don't feel like living anymore, nothing beats my heart, I feel like shit!''.
Motive, indeed a big word. It initiates your first moves and it encourages you to take all the other steps to reach your goal.
These words and verses made me ponder and I remembered this picture.

The prize-winning image: A vulture watches a starving child in southern Sudan, March 1, 1993. (
Kevin Carter/CORBIS/Sygma).
The photographer, Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer winner for credits of the photo above. And then, commited suicide due to depression suffered from critics and realisation that he should actually help that girl.
''Photographers and journalists put themselves through so much in order to capture that one moment, that one story or that one photograph. Is it really fair to bring it all down to good versus bad and right versus wrong? Isn't such a Manichaean view of the world problematic?
The motive to show the world the plight of the Africans - right?
The motive to be proud of this picture - right?
The motive in leaving the girl just like that after seeing her - right?
The motive to leave the world after realising he should have save or help the girl - right?
Ambiguity of the border line between right and not right. It is purposeful and constructive to share with the world what is actually happening out there. Sometimes, doing things we think is right will lead us to do just that one thing. Because we think it is right, so we care less about other things we need to do. So, yes, taking that photograph is right. But taking that photograph only and leave is not right. So i guessed, when Kevin Carter took this photograph, his ultimate motive was ''doing good by showing it through pictures only'', and later only that he realised his motive should be ''doing something good by showing and doing it''. But easier said than anything. Circumstances often push us to do something unexpected or illogic. We cannot judge, not even if we face the exact same situation. Different people, different motive, different perception, different ways.
A few will ask, ''How can I keep my motives right? ''Whatever we do, remember the Almighty and have fear. ''The highway of the upright avoids evil, he who guards his way, guards his life.''(16:17 ) Be Meek and WISE, then the motive will be RIGHT. ''Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for, through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.'' (16:6)
Word of the day: Motive; Meek; Wise